Medical Tourism India | Hospital of International Patient Care
Medical Tourism India | Anand Hospital has been a leader in healthcare since its inception. Based in Meerut, a couple of hours drive from the national capital, the hospital provides excellent facilities and care to its patients. It is known for providing laudable health care in a state-of-the-art hospital premise with a gentle and nurturing staff. Anand Hospital is truly a place where health shines and patients go back home happy with the results.
Anand Hospital – Caring For International Patients
Anand Hospital has been a leader in healthcare since its inception. Based in Meerut, a couple of hours drive from the national capital, the hospital provides excellent facilities and care to its patients. It is known for providing laudable health care in a state-of-the-art hospital premise with a gentle and nurturing staff. Anand Hospital is truly a place where health shines and patients go back home happy with the results. (Smile Train Collaboration)

Facilitates Rejuvenation
The hospital, a popular choice for patients in North India, also caters to the need of our international patients. We provide them specialized consultation with the help of our international desk. We appreciate that our international patients have chosen Anand Hospital for their healthcare needs and we strive to provide them the best facilities of treatment and rejuvenation in North India.
Our Hospitality
We understand that our international patients are short of time as their visa may not allow an extended visit to India. Therefore, we handle all international cases on a priority basis to help our patients get adequate healthcare on time. If needed, the hospital can also arrange for airport pick and drop for the patients. Additionally, we provide direct access to the hospital and conduct all lab tests on priority. A dedicated hospital staff will be taking care of all your needs. You can check with the dedicated hospital staff for money exchange queries, concierge services or other problems. The staff will brief you about the hospital formalities before you visit.
Appointment Procedure
Medical Tourism India - Our international patients visit us for specialized treatments but they may also come as OPD patients. When booking an appointment, directly get in touch with our international desk. Our team will help you book an appointment, chat with the doctor and even schedule any specialized healthcare’s or surgical procedures if the need be. We advise all our international patients to carry their health records so that the doctor may judge their case in a better way.
Hope and Happiness
Anand Hospital’s expertise and a caring hospital environment are ideal for any patient. We believe that hospitals should be places where people find a new life and find happiness. Therefore, we treat every patient with great care. With numerous general specialties and super specialties, we aim to treat diseases and give people a happy and healthy life. In the past 10 years, our doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff have been making people smile with their gentle manners and calm demeanor. We hope that you will also find health and happiness upon visiting Anand Hospital.